Today I am thankful for the feeling of peace that I've had the last few days. Our world has been turned upside down, but God has been through this with me. The lot on which we are attempting to build our home has unstable soil. This means that without expensive remediation (that may or may not work), we cannot build our home there. We're pretty far into the process, so it's almost too late to back out now. I'm thankful the Lord is with us and his hand is upon us. I can see his work in Dick, our contractor who is being very flexible and accomodating. I see him in the executives at the bank who made a fast decision to support us in solving this problem. I see him in the excavators, Allen and Dan, who are "pulling out the big guns" to resolve our issues. I am so thankful for the work they are doing to help us. I have faith that we will work this out.
(See my post about the butterflies on the lot.)
Peace and blessings,
Bless your heart, asking God to work out everything for you.
I will be sending up a prayer for you and your new home. I hope it all works out and the problems are solved quickly.
Have a blessed day!
Prayers for a simple, inexpensive, and clear resolution to this. Thanks for you visit to my blog.
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