Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflections of 2008

Happy New Year to All!

I'm not one to make resolutions. I tend to set goals for myself in the areas of spirituality, family, friends, marriage, self, and home. Danielle Bean at Faith and Family Live posted these questions today:

1. Did I grow closer to God in the past year? How will I grow closer to God this year?
2. What is one new thing I will pray for this year?
3. What would I consider my worst habit and what can I do to work on it in the coming year?
4. What is the one thing I will do in the coming year that will most benefit my family?
5. What is the most important decision I made last year or will make this year?
6. What new habit would I most like to adopt this year?
7. What is one new skill I would like to learn the coming year?
8. What was the most important book I read last year/want to read this year?
9. What are my talents and what will I do to better serve God and the Church with them in the coming year?
10. What is one thing that I regret in the past year and what can I do about it in the new year?

They are great questions for reflection about the past year and a stimulus for setting goals in the coming year. I hope you find them useful.

Blessings for a happy, healthy new year to you and yours,


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