Sunday, March 1, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, March 2, 2009

This week is filled with activities (again) so the menu will be generally prep ahead and serve.

Sunday~Gnocchi, Italian Meatballs and Sauce, Honey Wheat Bread

Monday~June's Chicken Casserole, Steamed Rice, Corn

Tuesday~Hockey Game~Dinner Out

Wednesday~Pork Roast and Sauerkraut (slow cooker) with Mashed Potatoes

Thursday~Beef Patties and Gravy, Oven Roasted Potatoes, Green Beans

Friday~Cheese Pizza on Homemade Crust, Tossed Salad with Italian Dressing

Saturday~Hockey Tournament

Be sure to check out the other menus at Laura's:

Have a week full of blessings,



  1. I just got a super deal on roast and was wondering if your recipe for kraut and roast was just that ? I am interested never had it could you share?

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. To answer your question, I use Creative Memories StoryBook Creator Plus. I have a link on my blog if you want to check into it further. Have a great day!

  3. Yummm.....dinner sounds wonderful be right over!!!! ;o)

    Thanks for the wonderful comments you left about the card I made!

    Have a beautiful night!

  4. Mmm...everything sounds delicious! I need to work on my weekly menu, too.


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