Monday, December 6, 2010

Peace on Earth Challenge, Week Two

Here's this week's challenge: Take out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will take a warm refreshing bubble bath. Bring your Bible. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1, 2 and Luke 1,2.

This will definitely be a challenge for me, but I definitely need a break from the busy-ness of the holiday season and my regular life. I am going to schedule my bath for this morning, since I have a snow day and my children do have school. It will be quiet here this morning and it will give me time to refocus on the meaning of this season .

Are you up for this challenge? Join us at Courtney's blog.

Peace and blessings,

1 comment:

  1. I'm up for the challenge. I've scheduled my day for this Sunday.


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