Welcome to this week's Menu Plan Monday, hosted by Laura at I'm An Organizing Junkie. It's another busy week ahead with a hockey game almost every night. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, I'm off of school today for a snow day. The Lake Effect Snow machine is dumping snow on us until tomorrow night at 7 pm, when the storm warning is over....at least that is the current prediction.
Here's the plan for this week:
Sunday~Weeknight Lasagna Toss and Garlic Toast
Monday~Ham Steaks, Pierogies and Green Beans
Tuesday~BBQ Jack Chicken, Rice Pilaf and Glazed Carrots
Wednesday~Chicken Fingers and Macaroni and Cheese
Thursday~ Dance and Hockey--take out!
Friday~Pizza and Wing Night
Saturday~Tacos with all the toppings, Mexican Rice and Corn
Have a week full of blessings and peace,
Dance and Hockey, sounds like my week! My son is on the ice 6 times a week, add that to all the holiday preparations and things get really crazy. When you have a minute, can you post the link or recipe for the jerk chicken? It sounds yummy!