Sunday, July 9, 2017

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Welcome to our home!  As you can see our front beds have grown in quite a bit.  

Our Day Lilies up close and personal.

 Last year, we had the fountain here, but the Day Lilies wicked all of the water out of the fountain.  This year, we replaced it with our gazing ball.   

 The Hydrangea bushes are about ready to bloom!

This is the side of the porch.  My Lemon Balm is out of control!  As soon as I took these, I cut it back to allow the Black Eyed Susan plants some room to bloom.  

You can see the fountain just behind the giant Hosta plant.  I'm still waiting for blooms on them.  The temps here have been much cooler than expected, causing some delays in blooms and harvest of veggies.

Thanks for stopping by!
~peace and blessings~

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