Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Last Day of School

The 2011-2012 school year has come to a close.  I've survived my first year teaching Middle School Math.  It's been a journey...professionally and personally.  I've learned a lot about myself and Math.   I am looking forward to next year armed with experience and great expectations.  Above is a pic of me with "my girls".  They said they were all wearing dresses the last day of school, so I said that I would wear one too.  They were so excited that I kept my word.  It's the little things that sometimes make the biggest impression on middle schoolers. 

 This is me with the boys in my homeroom and below are some of me with students who wanted individual pics with me.  Sweet memories. 

Happy Summer!

~peace and blessings~

1 comment:

  1. I bet if all these students wanted pictures with their teacher it is because they appreciated the difference you made in their lives. Congrats on your work.


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