Saturday, February 11, 2012

Student Valentine's Day Bookmarks

I am "new" to teaching Middle School, but my elementary teacher self wanted to make/do something for my students for Valentine's Day. I teach approximately 100+ students every day. I saw these on a fellow teacher's blog, Controlling My Chaos, and thought they would be perfect for my kiddos. First, I ordered 4x6 prints from Walmart and cut each print in half.
Then each half was folded in half.

Then I used a roll of magnetic tape to add 2 small squares of tape to each folded bookmark.

Here are my completed bookmarks! I love them and my 13yo snatched one from the counter to use in his books, so I am sure my students will love them too!

~peace and blessings~



  1. They look great, Lisa. You are such a good teacher.

  2. I hope everyone loved your bookmarks. You did a great job making them. Ahorsesoul from MHH

  3. Thank you for the link love. I'm glad you could share the bookmarks with so many kids. I'm sure they appreciated them. :)


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