Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekend Update

Spring has finally arrived on the mountain. These are the only flowers on our lot, and I was so happy to see that they still bloomed this year.

On Saturday, dd went to a tea party with her grandmother. She was so excited! Here she is dressed and ready to go!

Here she is wearing the hat that they decorated at the tea party.

After the tea party, we worked on a Resurrection Egg lap book together using printables from

Miss M with her completed book.

Here's a picture of our two new pear trees. It's a start!

Thank you for stopping by!

Peace and blessings,



  1. I love seeing Easter lillies blooming out in the wild. Madison looks so cute.

  2. I love Miss M's decorated hat. Those flowers are the best sign of spring.

  3. You DD is growing up so fast!!!


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