Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Peace on Earth Challenge Week Three

This week's challenge: Pull out your calendar and SCHEDULE a night where you will go to bed very very early. Take your Bible with you to bed and read in bed for at least 5 minutes. Read in Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Jeremiah 23:5, and Isaiah 53. These are prophecies that were fulfilled by the birth and life of Jesus. Get extra blankets for a warm nights rest, pray God gives you deep rest and that no one wakes you. Then turn out the lights and sleep. I pray that when you wake, you face the new day of Christmas stress with extra strength and vigor.
As Courtney posted on her blog:
We have been poisoned by the belief that more cookies, more presents, more decorations, more parties, more more more will make us happier. Even when we are pursuing something noble such as serving others at Christmas through charity the over-activity brings chaos to our homes and families.
This really spoke to me....it's so true. I feel the pressure to make more cookies and candy, buy more presents, decorate more, but I think I do it to make others happy. It in turn makes me stressed out. We are making an effort to simplify and be confident in our decision to do so.
I have scheduled my early bedtime and look forward to that time!
Peace and blessings,

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