Friday, January 8, 2010

Small Successes~January 8, 2010


I'm a bit late in posting my small successes for the week, but I thought I would share today. Yesterday was just filled with activity and I had little time to spend on the computer between school and hockey my time was filled.

1. I have continued to work out on the Wii Fit for 30-40 minutes each day.

2. I finished my scrapbook calendar that I made for myself.

3. I have been following The Love Dare on K-LOVE each day and have followed through with each day's activity for dh (and our kids). It's only been three days, but I am feeling good about what I'm doing. It runs through Valentine's Day.

Thanks for stopping by today! Read other mom's small successes at Faith and Family Live!




  1. Yay Lisa!

    It was a busy week for us too. Congratulations on your successes this week! Is that the Love Dare from Fireproof?

  2. Hi Angela~It is the Love Dare from Fireproof. I actually bought the book as a gift for our cousin as an engagement gift, but didn't get my own copy. So, I'm excited that it is available on-line.

  3. I love Fireproof. I have yet to try the Love Dare, though. I'll have to catch KLove on the computer and get on board.


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