Monday, September 14, 2009

Menu Plan Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm a bit late in posting today. My weekend was pleasantly busy and Monday was here before I knew it! Here's our plan for this week:

Sunday~ Dinner Out

Monday~Spaghetti and Meatballs with Tossed Salad

Tuesday~Scalloped Potatoes and Pork Chops , Steamed Green Beans

Wednesday~Bisquick Oven Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Corn

Thursday~Stuffed Pepper Casserole and Rolls

Friday~Pizza and Wing Night

Saturday~Picnic Food...Burgers, Hot Dogs and Potato Salad

View more menus at

Have a week full of blessings,


  1. Great menu! I'm doing Spaghetti too! Seems popular this week!

  2. Yum! We did spaghetti last Friday and it was SOOO good - I don't make it much in the summer, so i have missed it.

    The peppers casserole sounds neat! I will have to try that one!

    Happy week!


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