Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday, hosted by Susan, A Southern Daydreamer.
Visit her place and the other participants' blogs to see what's outside of their little corner of the world.
Here's what's blooming in my little corner of the world:

Hosta with little purple blooms

Echinacea in the herb garden

A bee enjoys some of the coneflower


Orange coneflower

Enjoy this day!




  1. Beautiful pictures --- beautiful plants. This makes me miss my hosta so much -- but at this house, the deer would just munch it town to tiny stalks. Also love the echinacea --never was successful at growing that, are there any secrets?


  2. Cass~thanks for stopping by! No secrets for the echinacea. My herb garden gets full sun and we have a lot of active insects in the garden...which many of the plants don't do well with. The echinacea doesn't seem to mind though.

  3. Your plants are so pretty and healthy looking. Some of mine are sorta sad at this point and time. To much rain and now not enough. Mother Nature rules. :)


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